Andy and Chris Warski leave John Legend and his bitch a farewell message

 Woody Underwood

     John Legend is a pathetic anti-American weasel of an individual a man who is a pussy and would never fight for this country or 

join the military. Twinkle Toes John Lennon John Legend is some bad singer that has profited from the corruption and Global Finance of black music industry and he and his fellow singer wife / girlfriend are

threatening to leave the United States showed President Trump win a second term. If anything should push people out to vote and vote for trump it is the idea of this pin head John Legend leaving the country at this man is nothing but a far left radical black supremacist anti-American bastard and 4 years has been able to spread his a standstill to the American Media. John Legend thinks of himself as a legend and a nobleman which he is near and he is just a pack and favorites milky toast black man singer that the

mainstream media in a few in power actually push and create as a celebrity them because he's a trusted source of left-wing Democrat

John Legend is a dipshit he always has been a decision he always will a man who has contributed nothing but more racial strife and division with his big mouth and the news that this jerk would actually leave the country is President Trump word to win a second term is nothing but positive news and should galvanized a Republican vote even more is John Legend is nothing but a piece of garbage mixed in with some chips and this guy was given a message by Andy Waraski and his brother Chris on their hugely popular podcast and pretty much said that these people like this Black country singer John Legend who hates this country and often deplores Conservatoves and Republicans in the country music. Andy Warski says the sooner John legend and those other Trump hates who are warnign people to leave the country if rump wins relection thebetter and Chris Waraski pointed out this bastard Legend likely said the same thing in 2016.  j

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