Chung Young Hired by the Coyote Cougar blog for five million dollars a year

Arnold Buckley
The Right Bull and Center Bear blog have agreed to principle to another hire in the signing of hot free agent and massively popular YouTube vlogger Chung Young base out of Taiwan. Chung is an amazing writer and a man focused on delivering the truth that will never need to be fact checked or ridiculed by outlets such as CNN and others. Chung  Young has battled the Taiwanese versions of CNN and MSNBC that basically desire to see Taiwan swallowed up by China and becoming just  another province if the Chines empire instead of the independent island powerhouse trade and manufacturing center it is and was able to achieve without the wicked tentacles of a repressive Communist state that has its affair and  demands in total control of everything. Chung Young will bring his years of expertise and chip eating and internet dribble onto this blog form time t time and whether there is room for may of his elaborate insightful observations or posts remains to be seen. We are pleased to have this addition to our staff and glad to meet new quota rule and  regulations for staff and we will be in contact with this man often out of Hong Kong and seek his intentional knowledge as China represses this island and the economic success of it to meet the utilitarian goals of the Red CCP Chinese Communists in Asia 

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