Chester Gallagher
A twenty two year old hunter was unmercifully killed by a brutal beast and Center Grizzly Bear in Wrangell St Elian National park last week in a first of its kind attack according to the fake news although many Bears have killed humans through the years.Austin Pfeffier was out hunting Moose with another hunter when his hunting
partner traveled downtown to sell some of the fresh moose meat and bring back moose burgers and fries. The Grizzly killer named VTP8907 quite literally tore this hunter apart in a surprise attack s this armed man somehow got surprised and many are surmising that this guy vaped and drunked himself like a skunk and was unaware of his surroundings and thus his safety was put at risk.

The dangers of entering the far North woods of Alaska and the Yukon are perilous and tis is why we have always stated that both state and Canadian province would be the ideal location for a political camp and prion area for anarchist domestic terrorists and the remote back country of this national park in Alaska with its wolves,Cougars, Coyotes, and Grizzly Bears is ideal for this scenario,
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