David Pakman has Jesse lee Peterson on his show and tries to mock him and his beleifs

 Randolph Perkins

     Left wing radical troll host David Pakman had the great Jesse lee Peterson on his show and as usual with a guest that he disagrees with vehemently, which  is something M Pakman does not produce much this  low quality program the Argentine-Israeli troll tried to make out Jesse Lee Peterosn out to d dumb. Pakman kept asking Peterson what it was about the tax policy and foreign policy of  the president the so admires Pakman tried to show that Jesse Lee Peterson

was ignorant on the facts of the great White Hope that he shown full support and push back against the libtarded media and fake news internet people always looking to

damage the Trump administration. Pakman agitated and tried to get Jesse Lee Peterson to lose his cool but failed as because Jesse lee Peterson is a cool cat and has the truth and knows that he speaks and promotes the word of God and that beta males like David Pakprick are children of the corn and lie who are lefties shills for the devil.
 Pakman tried to make out Jesse Lee Peterson as dumb but the really idiot in this interview is the Venezuelan/Argentinian South American socialist that has bts purchased for him and a fake following on-line to spew his hatred for this country and attack everything president Trump says or does and this is the agenda of the David Pakman show because he is funded by the extreme moneyed interests and elements of the Democratic party.

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