Neil Knight
Mona Dugo is a dean Vernon Wormer type scoundrel at the university of Northwester n and this fall as seen universities an colleges go full scale East German type Communist against the freedoms and rights of their students and they are being lead by mad women and men like Moan Dugo. Mona has political aspirations and some are suggesting she may be a leading candidate to challenge president Trump for a third term and she actually would make a perfect Democratic politician.

This dean at Northwestern would make the one form Animal House blush were her fascistic tendencies as this woman wants Northwestern losers who don't get invited to parties to report the parties and basically this sick academic is enforcing a no tolerance or parry availability to this North shore Evanston ,ill university. In fact, this authoritarian approach is also being replicated by other Midwestern and national universities all under the lie and guard against Covid spread and basically university systems across the nation are no longer hiding their authoritarian preference and restrictive measures against students they always wanted to

mandate.Mona and the university fascist system seeks to kick out students without refurbishing them back their tuition and they want to pic and choose which students they can kick out for their violations against the restrictive morality driven control freaks at university and the dean level like this screwball bitch Mona Dugo. Mona Dugo would actually fit right in the Democratic Blue state and city political universe and we say it is 100 to 1 she challenges Donald Trump Jr or Mike Pence in 2024 this woman is so wicked.

The wicked witch at Northwestern says that anyone show sees a Northwestern student fail to comply to public health rules and guidelines are to report that individual and Mona proudly boasted she will do whatever she can in the disciplinary attack on students God given right of association and social gathering. This woman's cut drizzles thinking of the power and ability to harass students and have a east German-type system of students against students and this wicked bitch witch needs to be called out. This woman and other university officials wish to stamp out social gathering and fun off campus and it is none of their fucking business if students and adults have off campus parties away form campus and have the free will and choice of assemble and gather. This lying pony dog faced Gremlin soldier is a full scale academic authoritarian fascist.

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