Don' t trust Othman Lakari and his horseshit Covid testing expansion

   Lionel Wagner

   Othman Lakari is likely a Ottoman Empire hoping globalist that is head and CEO of startup company called Color. The amount of snake oil and health fraudulent companies that have now risen even more thanks to the Covid expansion is alarming and this  man and his  Gene research annalist bull manure company is now seeking to expand and for-profit the health scare  model and expand testing of Covid 9. Ottoman Lakari is a sick globalist and likely is profiting form this ie and spread of the mainstream media of the mystery new illness that suddenly popped up int world so this cretin globalist Turkish son of a bitch can profit form his company along with other.

This guy and his genomics health technology  company will use all the resources of the globalist fascism and corrupt government to get the essentially speeding for front line workers and basically test them every and each day and then have the government pay for this necessity that the scare crows of Covid have successfully used the power of the media to build up and scare crow horse shit  the public to be concern about so much. This man was and is a part of Twitter and this a technocrat bio-fear and bio-health authoritarian and should not be trusted s these leftists and internationalists wish to grab your data and spy on you like the good transnational that Othman Lakari. This man looks also arrogant and is part of the San Francisco and big tech scene looting and rotting the government for itself often leading to the massive inequality seen in places with high levels of homelessness as the city by th bay.  

 Lakari and other sin the new Covid health economy seek more money and control for themselves and their friends and shareholders. Othman and his Color company seeks more funding whether it be free money from government or funding campaigns which is nothing more than people moving fresh printed federal reserve central banking money or illegal money laundering into trusted sources of repressive future health companies such as Othman's Con Color INc. This man just wants to have his digital health company  to counsel people on their bad genes and all while focus on taking your data and reselling it in a ponzi scheme for itself and its globally connected Incorporated  and then connecting patients with " counselors" to tell you to live better. I would not trust the claims of Color Genomics and this one hour Covid tests and it smells both of horseshit and bullshit 

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