KIm Klacik kicked off the Views by Libtarded hosts Joy Beher and Sunny Whore

    Martin Manziel

Dream Money 

Baltimore congressional candidate KIm Klacik got into a heated discussion  with the Viewed retarded hosts Joy and Sunny and the voice and political representation and opportunity to air her views and opinions were denied by this ugly old monster who from all looks is well past her prime and tie and should immediately retire. Joy has no business still being on the air and allowed to  propagandize on this really awful woman's program called the View along with fellow racial identity and extremeness partisan democrat Sunny. The immaturity of these woman and how they treated and cut off Kim Klacik was utterly reprehensible the the executives that put out this garbage and political partisan program on ABC really

should be taken to tasks and attacked as this program offers nothing but one-sided political viewpoints and bickering partisan immaturity on a grand scale. Kim pointed out to tis scumbag Joy Behar who is a vile disgusting pig and was called out by KIm for being racist and dressing up in black face and apparently her sidekick co-hist in black supremacist

Sunny Huston had no problem with Joy Behar going to a Halloween contest and dressed up in black face. Kim Klacik interview and her time was cut off by this censoring fake new program  that basically serves as a Democratic operation in the media and Joy Behar is a drunk ugly fuck face who kept bringing up president Trump and Covid as this is the only thing the Democrats like this pyscho-bitch can bring up and how it pertained to Kim Kalcik and her race for the seat one bought and owned by the corrupt Democrats and held for worthless Elijah Cummins is unknown. The old bitch Joy Behar has basically a dream job of just horseshitting her views and double speak of her partisan views and politics and this woman is a stupid old troll and allowed to s so by this mainstream corrupt media.  The sick hosts of Joy and Sunny yelled and were furious because Kimberly defended president Trump and resisted the stupidity of Joy Behar and others for blaming president Trump for the death of 200,000 people who would otherwise have dies anyway as these idiot son the View ignore the fact that 2.9 millions people die every year.If  Joy Behar want a good Halloween costume BTW she should just go out naturally .

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