Woody Underwood
Some Russian Western/German backed opposition candidate to Vladimir Putin must of made many enemies and claimed he was poisoned with some type of nerve agent and this attack on Alexei Navalny is being condemned by the European elite globalists and especially Frankenstein Angela Merkel. When Angela is not busy suppressing the freedoms and rights o h er own people this old witch of Germany like the Wizard of Oz witches seeks to meddle into the affairs of Russia. The corrupt Western globalist anti-Russian media insists this is Russian state involvement and much like the media hatred for president Trump in America the Euro-trash lefties -leaning libtarded media is now going after Vladimir Putin thinking they can stop a dictator and one that is tremendously popular in his land. The Germans and Frankel are meddling in
Woody Underwood
Russian affairs an for all we know this Russian political divisive and Western funded opposition may have had some bad Vodka moonshine and there is no proof that any purposely act on the Russian state had anything do with this mans condition regardless of what Boris Koliff Johnson or Angela Frankestien or the rest of the kleptocrats at the European Union and their state-run media will say about this goofball Alexei Navalny. The wicked witch of Bavaria seeks to distract the people of Germany to her own Covid induced authoritarian over-reach and this woman has been in office enough with a popularity of near zero and Angela Merkel is a laughingstock for with her crazed conspiracy beliefs and mismanagement of Germany as this woman is a globalist and sole purpose is to hod Germans back and now apparently to cause tensions and meddle into Putin's affairs.

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