Earl "Bam Bam " Cunningham
Former presidential candidate Andrew Yang once again heavily criticized WWE owner and wrestling mogul Vincent McMahon as McMahon gave until October for all of the wrestlers working for him to hand over their social media accounts to McMahon as the wrestling organization now owns these accounts . Yang is angered that Vince can basically just take these social media accounts the fake wrestlers took years to develop and produce a following for themselves on-line and Yang says this is wrong and Twitch and other media sites should not allow the tyrant McMahon to basically take over all of this shit and has a one time wrestling Yang is shocked and appalled.

Andrew Yang is becoming defacto union representation for big wrestling and he has been reached out by many wrestlers angered by the Connecticut based WWE and this tyrannical maniac executive owner form basically stealing the wrestlers accumulated and then using it to drive his own profits and so forth. As we have stated if the local wrestling talent doesn't like working for Mr McMahon they can leave and start their own wrestling organization along with Yang who can use dome donated money or get some investors to start the Yang Gang Wrestling Alliance.

In other news Andrew Yang reached out to president Trump and wished him well on his Coronovirus illness and Yang insists that people need to accept the fact that this virus will be around and masks must be worn every time people go out in public and especially at public arcade game rooms and so forth. Yang admitted that trump s the best pro-American policy president since Franklin Delono Roosevelt and that had Hillary Clinton had won n 2016 he would have run in 2020 as a Republican and he is much more aligned with the beliefs system of a president Trump on the economy than say a Bernie Sanders whom no doubt Yang finds as repulsive as ahhhh say he does Vincent McMahon of the WWF.
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