Otto Jansen
Apple and other big high tech wizard companies shave made out like the bandits they look with all their employees wearing bandannas ad so forth. Tim Apple CEO and head of Apple enterprises has told his top engineers to start to get working on a smart mask and he truly believes the future of tech and gadgets will now include the mask that we all have to put on and wear everyday thanks to the health scare crow industries and fascists of society. Tim Cook is the captain of this Apple ship and if he says that there should be a wearable new product of masks his engineers jump and as of right now from our sources within Apple the workers are working overboard to come out with and be the first tech company that offers the public a smart mask that one can wear and protect themselves from Covid 19 all while reading their texts and email s and getting their cholesterol measures and blood pressure data accumulated.

Tim Cook thinks the smart Mask will do for masks what the Iphone did for mobile phones and to really get people to accept and wear a mask to protect themselves and others and bring about a decline of Covid cases all around the country. Captain Cook has alot of catch up work as many Singapore area areas and countries are already working on a Darth Vader Smart mask and googles concept and for Tim is may be a bit too late as he has concentrated for too long on stealing peoples information and data via watch instead of working on eye cameras or sart masks.

Tim Apple is getting nervous and a but ratled as he is unable to score a hit and Apple products do not have the same sway and influence and more and more Americans are realizing that big tech is out of control and does not have their best interests in heart. No amount of mask wearable and technology that Apple will ring about will change the fortunes of Apple despite of its fake revenues and stock manipulation and Apple is far past its hey dey losing steam of power,wealth, and influence and somehow the only possibility of revenue growth of Tim Apple and his company is it getting some sort of freebies of the government and the production and forced wear of a particle not needed nor been wearable by the public in the past such as the face mask is the only hope that Apple company has and may explain these mask mandates and forced productery through government.
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