Luke Frey
Boston University professor and economist Dr Laurence Kotlikoff is worried about the future of human labor and capital foreseeing a future of the masses struggling to put fake meat n the table. Laurence is a former presidential candidate who got a hundred write in votes and has constantly spoken about the looming social security problem as more and more robotic infrastructure replaces human labor and gets out products by these useless machines that our youth seem to be ever addicted to unable to stare away from a screen for more than a minute. Laurence says technology is driving productivity and that human labor is essentially and systematically lazy even more distracted in this era of screens an will not be able to keep up to the laborious demands of the technocrats that are taking over all aspects of our economy.

The Boston professor also says robots will eventually make their way to supervisory position and may keep a class of human workers to bully and exploit to feel more powerful and we see this process slowly evolving at Amazon warehouses and make no mistake these bots, bits, and robot machines are enjoying the harassment of the global workforce and love to see humans worship technology financially befitting those that bring these companies and found them as trusted human allies . This is why we see such business press and adulatory for men like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk and this will ultimately cap off with eh mass production of the sex robot that will have as much impact on human civilization than the Model T had in 1908.
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