Bert Berg
Scientists believe themselves the new Gods and priests and two of the most egregious have to be te tag team dual from hell and Mars in Neil Grass Tyson and Bill Nye. As news that there could be micro protein organisms in the atmosphere of Venus made science headlines and the fake news establishment last week or two many of these scientists became excited with some Russians already making claims that the planet Venus belongs to them. Neil De Grass came aboard his lame Star talk podcast and proclaim this the news story of 2020 and was excited that manned missions and the prospect of more scientific research and funding can be extracted for the scientific community with this fake news about Venus. In 1978 there was recorded phosphine on Venus and now scientists are do defunded they are bring up this news as some new drive to fund Venetian research and more racketeering er I... mean rocketerring. Neil and wild Bill believe there must be Tardigrade type species all over the Venetian atmosphere, Martian topsoil, and inside Uranus.

These fools and others in the astrobiology industrial space research complex are using this old news to demand more money for big governments and exuberantly pushing the idea return to the skies of Venus with ahhh I guess big balloons or something. The ultimate goal of more funding for scientists, researchers, engineers, and the collaboration of them all to make discovery possible and one can add the artist rendition drawers as well as future nonsense and drawings often is on the artists tables foreseeing an impossibility and nonsense of huge hot air balloon technology that will enable man to live in the skies of Venus and as most space and scientific research this is pure science fiction only materializes on the artists drawing table. The only blimp/balloon technology that will ever exist to colonize the Venetian atmosphere is in the brains and minds of these artists and it is completely

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