Fuck You John Cusak as the zero laid off actor seeks to be the John Wilkes Booth of this century


   Lionel Wagner

     Actor John Cusak is a zero and total loser few people pay any attention and because of this the twisted retarded actor ha come up with a plan. He seeks to be the voice and image of the opposition and be a modern day John Wilkes Booth as John Cusak is a loser and is plotting we believe  to assassinate the resident f the United States. John  Cusak get sway too much publicity form the mainstream media and bad internet always looking for stories and often Cusak makes often saying he is done with friends and family who don't vocally condemn the president in much the same manner the crazed Marxist leftist such as himself hammer and sickle in their attacks on the most pro-American president since Franklin Delonia Roosevelt.

Cusak knows he is a bum and cannot ever get the gigs he once commanded in his youth and this is the only way he can draw even minor attention the man is sick and has bacteria and viruses infecting what is left of his dug-addicted and abused brain. Jonh Cusak is a clown and has been brain washed by the old wizard of socialism Bernie Vermont and because of this old nasty fucker form Vermont John Cusak stand possibly on the verge of being this centuries Jhon Wilkes Booth and we strongly advise the secret service to arrest this son of a bitch before he does something tragic. John Cusak is a drug addict dumb ass from Mars and should be locked up in Bellevue and what he says in 2020 considering politics is as irrelevant as hes bad movies that only ignorant teenagers ever viewed and were fans.

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