Guy Baldwin
Famed phone call talk show troll Carl from Nashville called into the Lester Grobstein program and instead of talking sports the wicked former gangster in Chicago now scrapping metal in Nashville got all political as he usually does when he calls into a radio program. Carl tried to bash Tom Brady and make some sort of attack on Brady for being a long loyal Trump supporter and he faced the usual push back form the forty year talk sow and sport legend in Chicago broadcast that is Les Grobstein. The Grobber never allows political commentary on his program and this is not the Thom Hartman or Hal Sparks programs, who of which this crazed socialist leftist testicle Carl often calls into and is allowed five minute speak time to rant his raving and lies about our great president

Grobstein doesn't tolerate any insane political ranting and calling and he abruptly ended the call form this psychopath Black supremacist Carl from Nashville who routinely calls in national and radio programs to give his bias partisan talk and smear campaign against conservatives and Republicans because Carl is a drugged-out meth head Black hillbilly scumbag. Many people gravitate and have interest in sports to get away form political horseshit and the likes of radicals and obsessive compulsive morons of politics like Carl form Nashville. Les Grobstein bashed people like Carl and once again has returned to the radio airwaves sin Chicago after being off and hiding in his bunker and basement following Covid 19 in march as Lester Grobstein was scared of his own shadow and suffered from major fit of depression following the ending of sports this past March. Les program was filled with caller with expletives whom he had to cut off on Sunday and Monday nights following his football talk and nothing is funnier when Grobstein is met with silence after hitting the delay and then just going to the next caller after a abrupt ending of conversation with no explanation.

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