Peter Schiff and Dr Richard Wolff get in a heated debate on Russian Today and nerd host economic program

 Fran Banks

    Famed Euro-pacific engineer venture fund master Peter Schiff an editorship from the New school of New York socialism and professor of sociology Richard Wolff were guest recently on some RT Russian Today program and they had a spirited twenty minute video Richard Wolff and Peter Schiff are perhaps two of the  most common and biggest names in the investment and political inequality economic YouTube forums and the two have combined together for themselves into being a guest for a combined three thousand different programs on-line. 

Dr Wolff and Peter Schiff got into a vocal heated exchange as Wolff mocked how Schiff always blames government instead of the system he so heavily defends in capitalism and basically Richard Wolff makes no amends or excuses as the preeminent socialist communist  of our times and if the two were in the same room no doubt these two old men would of come to blows as they are such die hard partisans in their beliefs of which direction the economies need to take and as Schiff says government needs to get out of the  way and lt the economy grows. This has been his message for years and why Dr Wolff would have problem with it now as Peter Pricker is right when he says capitalism is the only way and most effective governmental program in crating wealth while all Richard Wolff promotes is slothness and handouts which indeed unfortunately  many people want and prefer than hard work.

Schiff and Wolff couldn't be on the most opposite ends of economic thought and Schiff reminded Wolff that socialism is not revived and has always been a nagging art of stagnate European economies many of whom struggle thanks to Socialism despite the fact they spend very little on defense and have the United States subsidizing their protection. Wolff also ignored the point that Schiff often says that today's capitalism is not real capitalism but a version of the state sponsored  capitalism monopolist seen in China and through abuse of global trade and preference with China and their money currency manipulation they have set up the same version for capitalism in the West and this is something that the Chinese paid hack Richard Wolff of curse naturally ignores as Wolff is a paid for agent for Jnping Xi and the Chines military. 

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