Peter Patel
The Azerbaijan and Armenia conflict is further proof of the encroachment of the Turkish-American deep state to meddle into the affairs and territories of Russia as major fighting has erupted agian between these two nations in their underling enteral conflict between the peoples of this region much of it caused by internationalists meddling in the contested region of Nagorono-Karabakh which has been under the control of Armenia but now the Turks have been scheming with the Azerbaijanis that by golly they need this territory again. This entire affair smells and smacks of the collusion of America and the Turkish
dictator Recep Tayipp Erdogan that for some reason president Trump has a major live affair and the secret deep state Turkish-American Middle east collusion and nation i without a doubt in the affairs if another area that Trump and his administration is allowing to please his partner Recep Erdogan.

Recep Tayipp Erdomonster is a sharia law Islamist who wishes to meddle and interfere with neighboring nations as much as possible and the United States likely wants to appease this man as much as possible as Turkey was once a key strategic secular ally and the red flagged one star deep state connection a key aspect of US and Turkish alliance and stability in the region. Now what the Turks want is expanding power and already hundreds have been killed with amass number of Armenians being slaughters in one day with a ridiculous World War I style Gettysburg charge from hell that saw three dozen men mowed down to death in a matter of seconds as apparently the generals forgot frontal assaults are untenable in this day of age.

Armenian conflict with Azerbaijani is heating up because Turkey and their allies in Blue deep state America wish to meddle and create a new zone of warfare and weapons sales markets and now Turkey and France are at odds and there could be new war markets in the Sahara, Maghreb , an will rock the Casbah in North Africa as the rejuvenated Neo-Ottomon state of Erdogan and the French empire that actually never went away may get into warfare and new fronts with the Greeks hitting the Turks form the fucking rear. The best situation for the Armenians and Azerbajais is either play some chess or play with Army men toys and recreate scenarios and battlefronts with figures on the sand box or perhaps a video game to come to a solution to their problems and make the determination of what lands the Armenians should give back to the Azerbaijanis as these two former Soviet Republics need to quit their fighting.
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