Chung Young
First of all I want to say I am proud to be the newest addition to this strong writing team at this blog and promise to fulfill my mission of important information and investigative journalism . Now form m sources wicked twerp Governor of Wisconsin Tony Evers may or may not have been involved in a suspected plot by the Democratic deep state and party to infect president Trump with the Sars 19 laboratory created o Cornovirus strand made last year and developed to be a disrupt and biological germ warfare on part of the CCP Chinese demons n control of this massive nation of one billion souls many of them slaves to the hierarchic oppressive nature of the Communist party elites that run everything and have for the past two or three decades been propped up by out technology wizard bog tech business overlords. Tony Evers for weeks has been demanding that Trump cancel his upcoming rallies and warned Trump and Wisconsinites that we

must follow the WHO and CDC guidelines and having large successful display of republicans gathering is something Tony Ever fears and cannot accept. Ever's and his allies in the Wisconsin health industry have been going around the state and in rural areas spreading and putting Covid 19 into the air and on objects and into air to spread this disease so more income and regulations can be applied increasing the power of this impotent soy boy old man with no strength and its a total zero and beta male.

The Democrats think they can weaponize something that is no worse than the flue for as long as they can and if they had their way a socialist agenda would totally replace capitalism and they seek this because capitalists tend to be Republican and for freedom while the Democrats are for o e arty state domination and undemocratic values long guided by their foreign allies and friends that tended to come from one party states of Europe,Asia, or Latin America.. Evers is a horrible governor and will be a one term as he is a weak politician and man of the mask so scared of his own shadow yet alone a virus that really has only caused 8,000 deaths alone. Most of the deaths attributed to scare crow the public have been victims of the major underlying health problems and issues that the health medical martial law movement an the terrible folks at John Hopkins University lie and manipulate attempting to drown capitalism and our economy with their lies and manipulation of the heath death data.
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