Purdue University academic fascist suspending students left and right for minor fractions and being young people

Carlton Olsen

     Dean Wormer type of authoritarian is seen at Purdue University in Lafayette,Indian as a crazed dean of students named Katie Sermershein is shining a light on expulsions and restrictions for students at this engineering school. She along with other academic fascists ion the campuses of universities and colleges across the nation are using Coronvirus scare to essentially and systematically attempt  to shut down all parties and fun activities for student outside if university settings.

 Sermenshein seeks to suppress the tights and freedoms of gather for Purdue students with her pledge requirements and this woman basically wants all Purdue students to live a life of lock down and imprisonment as this fascist and other deans are illegally  suspending and taking students out of their classes and status as students without paying back their tuition. This woman needs to concentrate more on fitness and weight  watchers than whether eighteen year olds do what eighteen year olds do and this is party and have fun and obviously because Dean bitch Katie Spermenshein never has any fun she abuses her power and seeks to suspend students who desire to have a little form their rigorous difficult studies at Purdue University.
 Katie is a hippo or human cattle and either term is the best way to describe this academic fascist and it is the amount of costs and take over of university by the administration class and pigs like Katie Spermwhale to as why costs have skyrocketed and now these fucks want to make these campuses more attune to North Korea. Sermershein is about producing not an educational environment nut one based on fascism and totalitarianism as she and others seek to crack down on students and make more money for the school trough fines and violation costs  under the guise of safety precautions. Katie Sermersheim is a fascist who demand students comply to her orders with her hard-line against misconduct as this fat lard ass and others seet restrict the freedoms and rights of students to gather and consent to who they want to be around and do after school hours and environments.

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