Trump fast tracks executions and puts demons like William Lecroy in hell where they belong decades ago while Bernie Sanders would of preferred to give him a vote

     Wilbur Morris

     William Lecroy is psychotic homicidal former soldier who has sat n federal death ro for decades making  mockery of our justice system and was one of a wave of recent federal executions delivered b Trump on these killers that liberals like Bernie sanders would want to set free and restore voting rights and a bloc. Lecroy brutally staked a neighbor and a woman named Joann Tiesler in 1991 and raped and viciously stabbed her to death and it is outrageous that there were actual people who petitioned the president to

suspend this death warrant for this maniac Lecroy and allow him out of prison despite the overwhelming evidence of this mans guilt. Lecroy tried to put a defense of insanity as he blamed the murder  on Harry Potter and witchcraft for his brutal murder of a Georgia nurse and there are hundreds of thousands of killers like this monster sitting in sate pend and not receiving their death execution dates wasting the tax payers money and living a full life which is detestable and a problem of our courts and systems as there are lawyers who profit form keeping animals like William Lecroy alive for three decades.

   Lecroy is dead and he is deader than a fucking door nail but the problem is that this son of a dog should of been executed in 1995 and it should not have taken Trump and the federal government so long to execute this rapist murdering bastard and William Lecroy is resting in hell now . Bernie Sanders and the Democrats are so livid against the executions of killers and the condemned because they seek them to be potential voters and a bloc that the Democrats can get to vote

and Bernie sander sis so sick with a tick in his brain he would grant the people like William Lecroy a vote instead of administrating a cocktail drug for him to be killed. Lecroy didn't kill is victim  in Georgia with a drug but after raping the poor woman bashed her head in with a shotgun and then used a Bowie knife to nearly decapitate her.

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