Dave Berkson
Radical Dave Zirin type radical shirt head Chicago sports talk radio hosts Dan Bernstein and Jagoff Jason Goff came aboard their little listened to sports talk afternoon radio program that has a smaller audience than the size of Covid 19 virus. The knucklehead broadcasters at WSCR radio in Chicago made mention of some unimportant fact that a recent National Football League game had all of its members being Black as the ace of spades and this new sis about as newsworthy of a Cougar eating a Elk in Nebraska. the moribund of radio is best seen with these stupid sports and business programs as much of radio is made up of lame investor radios and those who talk for thirty minutes how great Pat Mahomes is
and ho he should be worshiped as a living God. Dan Berstein and Jason Goff are to sport addicted assholes loser sin life who only live to talk sports and are too handsomely rewarded for their lack of talent by a corrupt system that diverts money into sports talk radio whcih is an utter waste of time and airwaves. There is nothing newsworthy of an all Black officiating crew and sports unfortunately has been over taken by the far left racial identity obsessive compulsive disorders and these two jackasses
are a Black and a jew who are clearly obsessed with this data and recording of it. Bernstien said since most of the players are black then most of the other people on the field sharing it and officiating it should be black as well. Goff stated that despite this one game with all of the Blacks congregating in this one game there is still heavy racism in the National Football League officiating members and Blacks are still overwhelming excluded disproportionately from the officials list and come no where close to how they are represented in the league as players and this in its own form is complete racist. We just wonder when the first all Asian or Mexican officiating crew will take place and when or where the day will come where Mexicans surpass Blacks on the field and rosters of the National Football league.
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