Armando Arturo
Bill Gates acts like a modern day wizard dictator and now culinary food expert as this idiot CEO of Microsoft and global troll is telling Western nations we need to go to 100% synthetic beef in order to help the over breeding parts of the world and this message is something that Yputube host Salty Cracker did not appreciate. The Salty one came aboard his podcast and blasted the recent request of this psychopath man everywhere with way to much money and time given by the corporate media that this hunch back mother fucker is given to give his views and express his opinion as they matter and Bill gates is one of the nastiest
son of a bitches and Mr cracker said that we need to cancel this son of a bitch The Microsoft CEO is telling that we should all be eating frankenburgers and fake meat and this is for the techs and nanotechnology to get quit literally under your skin and people should avoid synthetic fake laboratory meat even plant based foods they insist on pushing at all costs as clearly this dog faced demon Bill Gates has something up with putting micro nano technology into your bodies to collect your data and so forth.
Bill Gates can eat all of the cockroaches he wants and take in all of the ab beef and chicken shit e wants nut the fact its given a choice the public will not want to eat plant or horse meat burgers and gyros and this idiot can dream all he wants but synthetic beef and fake meats will never be in demand unless they lie to people and package it as the real deal and this stupidity and
authoritarian nature of this executive with his stupid shit seems to never go away as this monkey ass keeps talking and making news daily with outrageous claims and bogus calls for society to move towards. As Salty says Bill Gates lies about climate change and makes this an issue as he is an investor into these fake meats of soy boys,potatoes,chicks peas and other stuff including potentially
cockroaches,grasshoppers, and crickets. Bill Gates also wants to put these phony baloney meats next to real beef to get people confused and purchase more and Gates says meats should be reserved for the worlds poor and we must enjoy hos cellular laboratory created junk meat ta is nt really meat no matter what the science says and people should avoid this sick direction and demand form this lunatic Bill Gates who can take these bug burgers and fake pork and shove it up his candy ass.
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