Joe Jupiter
This is the year suppose aliens will make their presence and for Run Down Live fags of Milwaukee pirate radio Mike Paczesny and Kristan Harris the Rover landing of preserverence and on Mar sis no coincidence. The Rub down Live guys had a guess named Marco Dantonio who is convinced there use to be life on Mars and that there is Redskins living on the red planet and aliens are existence and Dantonio wonders what the fuck happened to all of the water on Mars. The great mystery of what happened to all the lakes an rivers on Mars go and why did they disappear and Marco also told the Run Down conspiracy fags that something happened to the Martian atmosphere and it is much lighter than it use to be
The Run Down live and their guest say Mars is all rust and that it is a rust belt planet and they figure there must of been some transfer of resources and a manufacturing base and this point st the fact that there had to be semi-civilized race and may early space observers in telescopes actually saw begins work and create canals and that this information has been suppressed for some unknown reason. Kristan wondered if stories like Marvin the Martian have some basis and we say if the alien invasion comes it will be similar to the British invasion in the sixties and these will be green skinned bald headed aliens that will rock the fuck out of the galaxy These Green men group will do acopola and just sing their ass out and be bigger ahhh than Blue Man group with plays,shows, concerts, etc etc if and when the Covid crisis ends and allows such events to take ace again.Marco is convinced these aliens may even be on mrs and are difficult to locate and track because they ar ehidign in th edee oceans where there are n people.
Mike Paczensy and this moronic fake new guest think that there could be architecture and a civilization living underground and not seen on cameras on the Martian surface and under the soil and this is why all these land rovers and spy satellites have not observed and form of life on the fourth planet and the dynamic duo and Mr Dantonio kept mentioning movies and somehow they think because they can recall science fiction movies of the past that this must be evidence of a sustainable hidden life of alien humanoids living on mars and swimming in ice baths in lake sunder the soil and Kristan Harris says that going to Mars once took every seen years and now it takes three months and sooner or later people will be traveling to Mars on summer vacation looking to meet and score with Martian green chicks. Dantino has looked at thousands and thousands of video on mar and is always hopeful he will catch a glimpse of aliens or other signs of life that he insists is out there on the fourth planet.
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