Gino Frobel
Mayor Pete Buttplug of South bend in ns in a position totally unqualified to be transportation secretary and the purpose they put him in is to give ho the governmental experience as the Democrats like the donation money of bog homosexual globalism money form around the world and Pete Buttigeig is perhaps the biggest most well known homo in the news these days. Pete was a awful mayor having lived in South Bend he this dipshit was mayor and he was well hated on his way but before
deciding to be a gay lobbyist and target for global homosex money in politics and this was the primary motivation of entering politics and this Mayor dipshit ran for president to expanding his brand and now he has been rewarded a top governmental job in order to position this man with some claims of experience which he is being heavily criticized now but in a few years he can have this major secretary position under resume.
Matt Lewis is a Rhino Republican wishing and kissing ass to be part of the media talking heads libtard broadcast complex as he does various podcasts under his own name and Blogginghead television with the even more repulsive far-left radical Democrat Bill Scher and they talk politics way down the line and in the far future Matt Lewis says this moron has a future and that Pete will build up his resume with these government position handouts rewards from Sleepy Joe Biden in paying back this Pee Wee Herman looking creep book store adult shop straggler Mayor Pete whom use to go to these dirty book stores and pay with strangers and gringos.
The Moron Bill Maher also has high hoes saying this country is long over due for a homo or dyke to be elected and he cannot think of any better time nor person that mayor Pete in 2032 and both Lewis and Moron put out the call and hop for donors to get started now in trying to get Mayor Pete elected and they would love to see him defeat Donald Trump Jr or Marc Rubio in 2032 and establish the former Indian mayor of a city the size of 100,000 who will bring back and offer a future landscape of transportation where horses ,scooters, horseshit, bicycles,motorbikes, and horse corpses dominate the roadways and the automobile is kaput.
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