Rush Limbaugh is dead

    Woody Underwood    

    Radio hall of  famer and sudden impact er of broadcast Rush  Limbaugh is dead and leftest liberal sar dancing on this mans grave but even though he is dead cancel culture can;t erase the is mans impact a d what he has done in transitional plics and the radio industry singlehandley saving the medium whether you like his politics  or not. Rish Limbaugh is a hall of  famer broadcaster and medal of freedom honor and the  fact that Rush Limbaugh existed shows the Americana exceptionalism that is now under attack and aong  a man during this insurrection of the far-left radical globalists and Democratic party cronies is soemhtign that is gig to be missed and hopeful a new Rush Limbaugh emerges ir one of these many vertas can step up and take his  place (ie Billy Cunningham,Mark Steyn, Ckark Kramer, Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Anthony Brina Logan among top choices)  

 Rush Limbaugh's death was celebrated by half of the population ta has become mentally delusional hating anyone with the opposing voice and Rush Limbaugh was one of the first people to resit and warn us of the dictatorial evil that was the Clinton family and theory  desire for power and transitioning this country weakening their political enemies while empowering tie psychotic vision an friends in business and government  and for this alone is enough to award Rush Limbaugh the medal of freedom award that was so hated and ridiculed by the far left media fascists and yes feminazis radicals whose main goal was to destroy the traditional family and the patriarchal isgn to usher in a  new era of radical homosexual an especially Lesbianism. This same attack on traditional family is a war being waged by the globalist

LGBQTV radical haters and this  war is not onluy occurring in the United States but in  all countries as the radical gays lesbians try to control and t p their apartheid rule over normal straight people and citizens in all lads and stans. The  attack on the traditional family structure is lead by big government and the corrupt health and educational department sin many countries as they see a power grab and societal restructuring where lesbianism and homoism replaces and becomes the new rulers and power structure with the repression likely it will come with it.

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