Andrew Warski bashes the ass of Andrew Cuomo and demand she resigns after ninth woman comes forward with sexual harassment

   Jay Yang

     Huge alt-Right podcast Andy Warski along with his brother Chris came on their podcast and took part New York Governor Andrew Cuomo whose arrogance is undeniably ridiculous as he refuses to resign after numerous allegations against him. Andrew Cuomo now faces a ninth charge form a woman who had a visit form Andrew Cuomo for some political business and he tried kissing her and sticking his tongue down her throat and Andrew Warski says this Governor  knows no bounds and has n shame in admitting his guilt and stepping aside form his  grotesque actions against women Andrew Cuomo is a misogynist

,sexiest, racist, homophobic, xenophobe etc etc of the things Bernie Sanders calls a former resident and despite these qualities this son of a pig and Mario Cuomo still insists of staying in office and thinking he is a legitimate  Governor deserving of the respect that comes with the office.

Chris Warski  says Andrew Cuomo has lost all respect and that his decision to stay in office is a dramatic sign of cognitive dissonance that Mr Cuomo thinks his office political power and family name and privileged will somehow make everyone forget this and that he is deserving of the office he likely purchases and the democrats rigged long ago.

Sherry Vill is a resident of Orange county New York and said that Andrew Cuomo got don on his knees and kissed her ass cheeks during a visit last year to look at flood damage in her neighborhood and Mr Warski says how the hell has this jackass sexual harasser already not been forced out of office and impeached for these numerous sexual assaults by the New York Governor and he wondered if the Democrats are using the courts and media to cover up this, Sherry Villa also stated that to dismiss Cuomo's claim that his Italian heritage explains why he kisses and hugs so much stated she too is Italian and she doesn't kiss or hug strangers nor do people in her family do such things. The woman actually ot photo evidence of this sexual harassment and attack upon her by the sick demented mind and shrivel old lips of Andrew Cuomo. 

Andrew Cuomo is a raging lunatic and someone who needs to get out of office and he is representative of the psychotic Democratic Party n America filled with vile disgusting virus like him in positions of power.  

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