Jesse Lee Peterson has wicked with of the North as Blue Moon on his program and Mr Moon says he is running for president in 2028

   Larry Frst

    A far left-radical insane leftist Wiccan appeared on Jesse lee Peterosn's program as the amount of religious bizarre Mr Jesse Lee has on his program is always entertaining and alarming. Jesse Lee had this male witch  on his program to discuss his beliefs and what makes him different than those witches burned at the state in Salem Massachusetts many many many Moons ago. Wicca is a neurotic and eccentric evil belief system and Mr Peterson exposed this fact with another lifting critique and take don on a psychotic religious extremist model minority of vaccines  that this Wiccan is as Mr Blue Moon described the differences between him and what female withes do and bew up in the cabinet.

Wii cans are basically with craft acting jackasses on par with Satan and represent Satanism as much as type can with their brainwashing and deliverance of work for Satan. This was Mr Moon's first media appearance and Jesse lee introduced this monster and Mr Blue Moon is so cocky that he hinted he may indeed run for president and get his name really known oyt there on a full moon scale .

Blue Moon hinted he is seriously teasing a residential run in 20204 and will run under the Wicca arty and promote and use the run to push the Wiccan witch craft ideology and movement. Jesse lee Peterson told Blue Mon he could learn along of corrupt politics through the wicked witch of the West which is Maxine Waters and threat Blue Moon could run for his congressional seat instead of aiming to so high and to the moon right away in declaring is political career. 

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