Cock sucking dick nose loser Dick Durbin hits Trump for appearance on Laura Ingraham

    Clark Kramer 

     Dickhead Durbin of Illinois has completely rigged the system and voting in Illinois along with Michael Madigan and this alone explains how a no personality bad politician jackass like him gets elected five times working hard playing radical division playbook and serving elite masters in the Mexican drug cartel, South Korea conglomerate, and Chinese state monopolists. Dick Durbin is the most God awful bastard i politics and corrupt fucker who hate former president Trump and patriots  and he took aim at Trump last week because the former president took to the airwaves on Laura Ingram's FOX program and took issue with Joe Biden's insane Covid panic  and lies during his first press conference. Durbin is  a political partisan

bastard looking to serve willingly as a puppet for China as the duck head is a rotten scoundrel and soul more deserving to be a member in Chines politics and the CCP instead of even the Democratic Party. This  shit head blasted Trump for appearing on FOX and blasting back at the smear sand lies Trump was attacked by the election rigging president Biden and in Dick's world there is no opposition to the left and

Democratic vision . Dick Durbin's lying  nose is so Pinocchioed it no longer looks like a human nose and more like a little cock that matches what this horrendous idiot career politician has between his legs with a little meat and he resembled Dan Aykroyd character in looks and character in the classic nineties movie "Nothing But Trouble' and for the citizens  in Land Of Lincoln this shit nose bastard has been nothing but trouble working hard to spread inequality and destroy the morale fabric of this country with his servitude to China. Dick Durbin serves for the non-citizens globalists in Illinois and has done do in the past thirty years this idiot career politician continues to disgrace the state being the voice in the senate. 

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