Black Supremacists Don Lemon and Cornell West angered Georgia Governor Brian Kemp tackles election rigging and fraud in Georgia

    Andy Cruz

    The CNN network is an anti-American globalist media company partially funded  and owned by the Chinese Communist party (CCP) and the amount  of propaganda and lies from their hosts is shameful and this network is deserving to be shut down as it operates to deceive people and lie to the public.

Th best  known broadcaster of this CCP network is arguably the bow ties homosexual perhaps Black Muslim in Din Lemon who took on Georgia's  new voting regulations attempting  to make it harder for the Black Democrats to empower themselves through voter irregularities and down in right actual fraud and Don Lemon knows this. With this in mind the gay wad ha former Harvard University and recently disgraced and fired professor Cornell West on his program to propagandize and lie saying Georgia Republican are trying to curtail voting rights whcih is a down right evil lie and lie is what these two Black supremacists do. These two jackasses can come on and say hoe Republicans are denyig voting rights because people have a right to be served free food and water while waiting in line to vote and somehow this is an issue for this deceiving Black Supremacists. 

The elephant in the room is the continuing  media excuses and promotion of Black supremacy and it is the likes of Black supremacists in the media and academia like these two clowns advocating and misinforming about it to why the election integrity of our election have been destroyed. Governor  Kemp and other Republican officials are  trying to  rectify to the illegality and changes the Democrats lead by pig Stacey Abraham to illegally change election rules without legislation approval that allowed the massive voter fraud of 2020 to occur and what Georgia and other states are trying to do wit the promotion  of changes back to how electronics have always been is to save our freedoms and election from the wicked likes of these two Back supremacists and charlatans for China in Cornell East and Don Lemon. 

These two shit head pieces of shit like to talk alot about White supremacy and the January 6th protest at the capital but the Black on White,Black on South Asian, Black on Hispanic crime we see all over in both regular criminal attacks and racial unprovoked  attacks are occurring at increasing rates,  which the media only focus on Asian victims, is the direct result of charlatans and lying  Black supremacists as Don Lemon and Cornell West. It is not White supremacist or Trump supporters that account for this massive juvenile crime wave and increase of violent crime that is fueled by Lemon and West' s racial inflammatory lying and directly results in more carjackings and criminals to act up as seen with the recent murder of a Pakistani immigrant Uber driver by two Black female teenagers. These two propagandists are two of the biggest shit heads and pieces of shit in both media and academia and we particularly would love to see Cornell West move east and get a job teaching as Beijing University where he belongs and take Don Lemonade with him.

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