Turkish dictator and evil master Recep Erdogan arrest Turkey's Playboy Adena Oktar and hands him a 1000 year sentence

 Ali Muhammad

    Turkish dictator and the Turkish authorities have sentenced a 1000 year term for the Turkish playboy and publisher known as Adnan Oktar. The mad dog sharia stan radical Islamist Recep Erdogon Tayipp does not want the Turkish version of Hugh Heffner and pornographic and club kid Adena Oktar form having major influence anymore and basically the religious authorities  wet after this nightclub manager and independent film producer for living a Hugh Heffner lifestyle as Mr Ofktar paraded is "kittens" and encouraged Turks to throw away the Koran and  live a modern hedonist lifestyle.

Mr Oktar was sentenced all of these bullshit charges of sexual assault and so forth as Recep Tayipp Erdogan was worried he was encouraging a hedonist lifestyle that clashes with the conservatism radicaliness  that Mr Tayipp is desperate trying to move his country. Adena Oktar was a Alpha make always had these real dolls looking buxom bimbos on his side and had a actual fucking harem in 2019 before authorities trumped up these charges worried that his television appearances and magazines were having too much of a influence on the young Turks. Women were groping him all of the time and he had no problem getting the women to dress and kitten like belly dance their way to please him. This was a man who didn't need to purchase Sex dolls or robots and he was so loaded and a modern day chick magnet Hugh Heffner and Turkey and its dictator were not ready for someone like him in their society. Only someone described and allowed to be the sultan should live a lifestyle like this Mr Erdogan was quoted to having said to his aids.

Oktar liked his women round, thick, an indecent and was building a porn industry and media empire in Turkey before authorities made up a slew of charges and the sentence of a thousand years essentially amounts to a life term and just shows the zaniness of a Recep Tayipp Erdogan will go as a no good mad dog dictator to get those he doesn't like in Turkmenistan. 

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