Sick Black radical Marxist professor Terry Wilson wipes horseshit and Gorilla shit on a statue of Abraham Lincoln

Jordan Morgan

    A ugly former Bose State professor named Terry Wilson was arrested cuffed and stuffed for defacing a statue f Abraham Lincoln in Idaho as the twisted and sick professor became an activist after the University fired this pathetic loser for hi neurotic and eccentric  bad behavior whole an adjunct jagoff professor as Boise State University. The filth like Terry Wilson is basically what is allowed and encouraged to teach and practice at out nations libtarded universities that have become centers for left-wing indoctrination and this sick puppet defaced a statue of our great 16th president because Mr Wilson is a stringent Black

supremacist and hates to be reminded he and people like him were once worth something and slave sin society and w these activists aliens are a people without a nation nor history aside  from manual labor which is all they are suited. Terry Wilson was a disgraced  academic teaching geographer or something ye always  going back to race talk  and his obsession hang up with it and now this Black Supremacist is booked in the Idaho  state pen for attacking a statue with his own shit Mr Wilson splattered his feces all over Abraham Lincoln stature in Boise because ahhh well Mr Terry is a shit head.
 I think that part of this nutty professors sentence before he serves time for public defacement should be on day one before he goes to his new cell prison guards need to smear feces and shit on Mr Wilson and do as much of it as he smeared on the popular Lincoln statue in Idaho sitting on a bench encouraging kids to read books and s forth. Mr Terry likely will into get another academic job and fulfill his dream of being another racial provocateur and propagandist in academia like his hero Cornell West and likely will never be involved in any academic program again. what also egregious of this scumbag Mr Wilson was that on his peace group Facebook account he criticized Lincoln's decision to execute 38 Indians that participated in a massacre of over seven hundred white

settlers and no where i this animal make mention to as why the Lincoln administration order the execution of those who participated in the genocidal attacks on settler sin Minnesota back in the day as the 38 Indians made mention by Mr Wilson were rapist  and serial killers basically. The Sioux Indian captured and killed many young  white girls and women with a determination to sell them for sex and money and perhaps Mr Wilson should look at history a bit more and see that Lincoln's decision to execute savages made perfect sense.

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