Dave Ramsey hits back at his critics are fires a bunch of people having premarital sex

 Casey kelso

     Dave Ramsey is a rotten right-wing sick individual who gives bad economic advice and has a syndicated program where the fuck ass gets to blow dry is mouth to a microphone and gets paid heavily for pushing investment horseshit. Ramsey has  been attacked vociferously in the past few months and the silly jackass came back hard at his critics reminding  them he is the one on national public radio and on some 7oo corporate radio stations airing his boring  nonsense and gets paid highly for such hard work as talking that the dipshit enjoys a high luxury salary as he spread his venomous saliva on-air.

Dave Ramsey is  a  dishonest  fuck job who never says anything of the inequality of the economy  matter and how chumps like him get  unlimited loans and free money  and this accounts more than anything else and hard work and grit determination of  these wealthy individuals often running a company  to the ground and using the 0% interest loans to finance themselves a Bugatti or be part of a hedge fund corrupt financial system that they c=get to write themselves heavy paycheck and may of these people live and jet  around the world and in addition to their villas  in Italy. Dave Ramsey is a dip shit and a half and this week appeared in the news again as it was announced that he had fired twelve members of his staff  for having prematrital sex and the ignorance of Ramsey Davis is amazing and may explain why this man his allowed such broadcast time and book deals to mutter his lies and misinformation. Ramsey feels he is some

powerful overlord in his business ventures able to fire people on a whim for having sex outside of marriage or women being pregnant  and unmarried and this man and his media empire  is and rightfully should be under attack for his sectarian outlook in life and expectation for these unfortunate to have a silly bastard like him as a boss. Dave Ramsey is a cocky fuck and is not deterred to the hug amount of criticism for his expressions and views that he puts on his lame ass rdaio show under the guise of bad financial advice and garbage he spews out to callers and suppose followers of his advice . 

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