Lavar Ball bashes the beasts (Part One) goes after nasty Satanist homo Lil Nas X

   Clark Kramer

   Lavar Ball has three son in the National Basketball league who are starting an staring and basically Lil Nas X sleeps with three men a day. The crazed rapper and bad entertainer is coming out with a blood sho of claimed Satan  Blood and given the sick new video this man put out it is saw to say that Lil Nas X is a worshipper of Satan.

Lil Nas X shoes sell for one thousand dollars and he is already being sued by Nike for copyright infringement in addition to possible facing  a lawsuit from Lavar Ball and his Ball brand shoes. Lavar Ball bashed the new shoes and music video of Lil Nas X describing him as a nut and a fruit and stated that this showed should be pulled from the market given the disturbing message and marketing of this shoe that supposedly  has sacrificial blood collected for hospital wards in mexico and so forth. Lil  Nas X us a little nasty freak and a dumb sounding geek producing some of the shittiest music known to man.

Lil Nas X is promoted and pushed because he is a neurotic and eccentric outspoken Black homo and whose voice is used to attack certain members of a political class and the idea that a shoe he is involved is actually worth of the asking price and selling of it at that price meets a demand of course is a complete fraud and a lie. Lil Nax X shoe sold out because there is a need and platform to move money around  and only a fraudulent system of money laundering and moving explains how this shit head sold shoes by money already determined to go into a certain  funnel. Lavar Ball called the concept  and movement of Lil Nas X onto shoe wear has bullshit and necessary and doubts this man had any large following and is just  celebrity  for promoting homosexuality to the black community and having heroes created for them.

Lil Nas X is a sic soul and one who undoubtedly prays to and worship Lucifer and he should be canceled and would be if we were not part of a actual satanic entertainment industry who selects disturbed individuals such as Lil Nas X to be celebrities and push  over-priced and uglu blood shoes. Lil Nas X is a gaywad who has fantasy for men and thing sin powerful positions and this is why he expressed and visualize done of his to fantasies of fucking the devil and Lil Nas X s a nasty buck big lipped demon who should not be promoted and pushed onto the impressional youth and the erratic and disgruntled beta  males in the Black community. Good to see Lavar Ball cal out th esht head that is Mr X and the bad nasty shoes with a mixture of human blood and horseshit in the bottom of the soles in a plastic bubble for all to see. 

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