Daym Drops considers eating sneaker on his program

 Whitaker Marshall III

    Famed internet food over-eater and the obese monster Day Drops is looking for new revenue sources and he has resorted to eating expensive Yeeezy sneaker son his ward-winning YouTube program. The Big grizzly Bear Mr Drops pulled out a couple of very expensive Kenye West  Yeezy proceeded to eat these shoes on his live stream.

These Yeezy yuky sneakers  are valued at five rad because Mr Kanye West says so and this in itself of over-rice and value is the scam that has delivered Kanye West his wet dream of calling himself a billionaire and he is pleading and talking with God in his deranged head to allow him to carry his shoes and wealth into the afterlife after he passes. Will Smith has added eating sneakers to his internet YouTube repertoire  and he took a couple of Mr West's Yeezy shoes and devoured them in less than ten minutes struggling to get these shes down as much as a frog has trouble eating a snake.

Yeezy shoes and the material are no different that 35 dollar shoes made by Levis,  Rawlings, or Spalding that one ahhh can find at their local Ross dress for less. No matte what the cost of these silly Yeezy sneakers caring and putting such a emphasize of sneaker foot ware is so ghetto and Mr West and  are fraudulently price gouging shit shoes and these shoes  are more useful being eaten by Daym Drops than serving the community and putting Blacks in more of a consumeratory obsession and in debt of things they  cant afford nor should  be spending  so much money for items like sneakers. Look for more Daym Drops eating of shoes in order to make mo money.

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