Nick Digilio desperate to invest a time machine and stay in the seventies and watch movies all day like the baseball gang in the Warriors

   Chester Gallagher

    Nick Digilio sounds  depressed and on the verge of suicide on his little listened to podcast. Mr Digilio lost his overnight radio show last summer when the blacks came late night and destroyed Michigan Avenue and Mr Digilio  pissed and  shitted live on air unable to comprehensive what was going on and why. Nick Digilio started a podcast and he was on the other night in delusional cockamamie thought wishing he could just go back in a delorean time machines an lie in the seventies again as these lock downs and mask mania are destroying him and he longs for the days people were fee and gang banger wore vests of variety of colors and tones to identity who they belonged.

Nick D log scammed the system for himself working and making a living on corporate radio talking about movies and television but he dropped the ball when real news and action came to downtown Chicago and he was on the air unable to report much on it n continued to talk about old movies and ow cool the baseball gang in the classic gang movie the warriors was and how there should be a baseball ghost zombie gang to deal with these rioters. Nick Digilio is working on technology and reading books in hopes of one day inventing a time machine and he was t make it out of the Segway and be as big of a investor as Dean Kamen. Digilio said that f he were able to return permanent to 1975 he would basically  get a job at th Portgate theater again and basically sleep and spend as much of his time as he can at this now long  gone movie theater in the Northwest side of Chicago and Nick is sad and depressed the movies today are few and far between as the industry continues to die through Covid restrictions.

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