Lame loser Jeopardy fans outraged and call for Mehment Oz to be fired as new host

   Bert Berg

   You know a person has a sorry ass life when theirs are obsessed and revolve around boring game show of jeopardy and this program has a cult like following for some innate reason as it is nothing  but a lame boring program not even worth the time of day or night. The devoted loser fans of this show like watching other people outsmart other sin questions asked and for year sit was done by a man named Alex Trebik ho is taking a dirt nap after passing away some time ago and when famous doctor and medical charlatan Mehmet Oz was named it outraged man of these snowflakes whom consider Mr Trebik irreplaceable and some saint for his role of asking prearranged questions for this trivia contest program that has been on television way too ling and undeserving so .

Dr Mehment Oz is being bashed by Jeopardy reddit fans on line in an orchestrated campaign  to derail the new job and gig of this amazing doctor form the lands and stans of Oz somewhere in central Asian and came t America to be one  of the biggest quacks out there pushing snake medicine and oil. Jeopardy nuts on reddit and on-line are trolls and need to get over Alex Trebik and realize the guy is dead and he is not coming  back. Dr Oz can offer something Alex couldn't and this is health advice in addition to asking the tough question that are often answered by the real smart gusts and that apparently is  addicting to the fans of what I would call a lame ass punk television program. Dt Oz is an amazing beetle juiced type dude but Jeopardy fans have issues with him for being some psuedo science doctor and not being base don facts but their real hatred for the wizard of Oz is for his support of gay conversion theory and support f turning these gays around with support and advice and this is triggering for the orthodox left.  This mostly is  the reason  I reckon for the opposition against Dr Oz from ozzing it up as the new Jeopardy host. If leftists and Jeopardy nuts oppose Dr oz then we support him. 

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