Waukegan changing Middle school names of Webster and Jefferson to Obama and Jesse Jackson

Noel Parker

        Waukegan Community School district is relenting to the demands of the woke crowd that demanded the school rename their middle schools from Thomas Jeferson and Daniel Webster to Obama Middle school. Jesse Jackson's name has also been thrown out as a potential school name change by those  who smear the slave owner third president i=of the United States and a the senator named Daniel Webster whom school board members said he had sympathy for slave owners and their plight to preserve their peculiar institution. Though Waukegan is not  Peoria what plays with this school board decision should  be watched by communities all over as there are people who want to rename everything and anything connected to pre civil war early leaders of this country in their crazed woke political  extremism and radicalism. 

The city of Waukegan,Illinois also held  student election for the name change and it is expected former president Barack Obama will have his first school named after him in replacing the great Thomas

Jefferson and for school board president Brandon Ewing replacing the founding father sand historical Americans with name changes are diabolical and typical of  the extreme far left socialist sin charge of public  education. Brandon Ewing says  that Jefferson and Webster don;t represent the changing face of Waukegan's school district that are overwhelmingly Black and Brown and that a Obama or some othe Black scientist should  have the name of the school in Waukegan. If Brandon doesn't watch to though these schools can be closed and condos someday as people are getting fed up funding public  schools educations trying to erase out legacy and heritage and I'm s surprised Brandon Ewing  doesn't suggest changing the names of these schools to branding Ewing Middle School 

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