Red Eye Radio jag fags bash twitter bots of Jack Dorsey and left-wing fanatics coming to Joe Bidens defense

  Kevin Rooster

     Eric Harley and Gary McNamara know the horseshit  that is twitter made up of extreme paid activist partisan paid  activists celebrities, and fake bots of support for the New World order and internal developer class. The twitter mob is often made u though of phony baloney accounts  of beings and people that  don' t exist in addition to the celebrity left-wing class with staff to take care of their twitter accounts. Harley and McNamara couldn't believe how the same twitter mob that wanted to enact the 25th amendment to

replace a drefrialed and immobile Donald Trump would noe rush to the defense of Joe Biden andus gaffes and missteps flailing right before our eyes unable to be in a leadership  position totally  going on the deep end of dementia and mental free fall. The Red Eye radio trucker news syndicated radio team could ;t believe that so may peope cane to the defense and rush of defense for Joe Biden when  most of witter were

knocking and blasting former president Trump when he had difficulty walking down a steep ramp from air force one . Joe Biden's brutal fall was a virtual signal that the man can't walk and is not in a state of being to move about and represent this country as president and the man should be in a wheel chair for crying out loud. Joe Biden is clearly suffering major cognitive decline and the Democratic bots and trolls don't see this because they didn't have eyes their ears need hearing aids, and their tweets are pre-programmed to be pro Biden and done some because big Tech and he gangster Black Jack Dorsey supports the criminal class and this carer politician Joe Biden who is for open border sand empowering the Chinese Communists and Mexican drug pushers. Jack Dorsey and his staff/team at twitter create left-wing bot and fake accounts while at the same time censoring these bots and others that voice a expression that goes against the interests and allies of Black Jack Dorsey who should be  arrested and is a criminal network contributor and to globalists around. 

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