Max Keiser comes on Jimmy Dore's show and brag about Bitcoin being so high

    Ramon Ramos

   Russian Today propagandist and globalist wiener and dealer Max Keiser hates the American dollar and this fact was put out in a exhaustive interview with the dipshit Jimmy Dore. Keiser came out and explained the importance of bitcoin and how we need digital currency as a replacement as he cited examples of how the super rich get 0%  interest while the suckers in the public get 18% for all types of loans and thus a Jeff Bezos is able to purchase Whole Foods and other companies on cheap credit and this abuse of the

financial system explains why a small class of upper income 1% people have been able to see their wealth explode in this Covid lock down er that has brutalized peoples jobs ans small business. Keiser said people will have to put their trust into Bitcoin and thus many have which explains why Bitcoin is so fucking  expensive and whose value as risen through the roof.  All the money printing he stated and Jimmy Dore agreed goes straight to the top and give even more advantages in gaining wealth to those who already are freaky rich and the massive money printing by the fed does nothing for the people.
 Keiser  also warned of China's rise through Covid and he called Joe Biden a dipshit dummie and puppet for China and its rise and he serves the traitorous super wealthy business class in America and the CCP in China.  Keiser said a casino gulag is coming where the vast majority of people will be on-line drones  and trolls constantly clicking on ads and giving clicks to advertisers just to get a protein sustainable surviving pill locked in their mothers basement and stuck there much like Puppet Biden. Jimmy Dore and Max Keiser says America is becoming an oligarchy and ifs seeing foreign nationals take over and attempt to bankrupt as much of this country  as they can.


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