Tik Top rpagandist Charli D'Amelio trolled and cries on the internet after criticism of her treatment of family chef and is now a corporate shill for Dunkin Donuts

    Jason Percy

    Most of the Tik Tok stars are sons and daughters of elites with families of huge mansions and head chefs and one of  these suppose dancers on the Chinese owned Tik Tok with a staggering claim of millions and millions of followers is some bimba named Charlie Charli D'Amrlio is some high school aged girl who dances her ass off and then whose wealthy family  and the technocrat class can lie saying there re billions f people (or bots) following this woman on the Chinese owned Tok Tok which is nothing but a social media platform pushing  Chinese international propaganda. Charlie is a magnet and was to move corporate money to fake brands and this tik tokker had Dunkin Donuts pay and move some money in a collaboration t these so called Chinese determined social media influences and entrepreneurs. 

Charli cried like a baby not too long ago saying she was burnt  out on Tik Tok and the criticism of her on-line as she insulted and belittled her famous chef servant Andre and told him his food tasted like horseshit. 

The story though is Charli Amelia is a platform for loyal  elitism whom serve the interests of the CCP party and work against the working people of the United States, This young woman is thankful to the Chines communists  for giving them good living as Chari  and her sister likely  would be in a mob

controlled Sicily brothel ha it not been for the fraudulent mob controlled economic big global banking system that this woman is a part of a financially fraudulent Italian -American family  where she and her friends can make videos n Tik Tok insulting and demeaning their fucking Chef Boy R dee servent. Charli D'Amelio is no angel and is a spoiled cry baby knows better that to quit her dance gig and financing of Tik Tok as without Tik Tok and the huge paychecks she may have to have a real job and income and actually work behind the counter at a pace like Dunkin Donuts instead of receiving tribute as a Tik Toker Chinese agent by this global behemoth bad donuts and coffee drink corporation.

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