Steven Crowder again gets suspended on Youtube after attacking Nerd Owl John Oliver

   Wally Jackson

     John Oliver is a race bating duck eating homo whore who comes on globalist HBO television and push the elite propaganda of the globalists and has no shame in doing so. The scumbag and pond scum form across the pond comes to America and dies so to work against out individual rights and liberties and this nerd and ow;-faced jackass is determined to wage war on all free speech and conservatism in the United States. John Oliver would of felt very comfortable in the North American majesty services and work 

against conservatives and Republicans because he supports the New World Order and the domination of all peoples and countries that the globalists demand to have submit to their control and power. The Nerd was attacked by Louder with Crowder's program not too long ago and he has made several outstanding attacks on libtards like Oliver John and basically once again as been terminated and suspended because he comes out hard and fights back against the political left and big media.
 Crowder got suspended shortly after bashing this nerd and the amount of lies and hate the left push forward onto the voices of the right often results in men like Crowder getting banned and deplatformed on the left-wing dominated big tech social media sites. Steven Crowder has to fight the lies and smears against him by scum in the media and print and the cancel culture attitude of maniacs like John Oliver on service of the foreign class and likes of British 
elites is demanding of cultural war and fight up.

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