Andre Yang and Eugune Gu silent on the ever increasing New York Subway attacks on Asian American by Blacks

    Milton Wiener

   Andrew Yang is an Asian guy who wants to be mayor of New York and thinks he is entitled to be such as a privileged member of the technocracy. Mr Yang has not said much f the Anti-Asian attacks of the city he wishes to lead and he needs to call out thee Anti-Asian attacks as not being anything to do with White supremacy as scumbag outgoing mayor of New York Bill De Blassio would say but of actual Black intolerance and racism of the problem that the current mayor and media promoted and this is Black supremacy. Andrew Yang ignores and say nothing of the Black on Asian hate crimes pushed forward by mad fuckers like the Reverend Al Sharpton and others in New York and every day seems to be new news

of massive attacks by the Blacks against Asian especially in the Subway. It seems Asians have outsourced themselves to be the target  of hate by low IQ racist Blacks who are always frustrated and insane in

thought thanks mainly to dependency and heavy drug use pushed on them by the extreme liberals in society. Andre Yang is so scared of being an the hate crime victim in New York he is covering up his face and speaking  Spanish when out in pubic and the cowardice of Yang an others  in the media and medical field such as Dr Eugune Gu is calling out the real problem of inner city hooliganism that is the direct cause of the attacks on Asians is something these people are going to have to confront and until they do these cries will continue to occur. Andrew Yang and Dr  Eugune Gu are twisted an confused who is

exactly attacking them and because it is the Blacks beating hr shit clearly the delusion of Yang and Goo in thinking that anything else aside form Back racism and supremacist is responsible clearly show the fear the men have refusing to point out the truth of who s attacking them daily  on streets all across America. 

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