Psychopath Emmanuel Marcon licks his chops and locks down France again and becomes full dictator

 Gastron Giroux

    Unpopular and terrible French president and neo-liberliast Emmanuel Marcn is going full frontal attack on the freedom of movement and rights of the French citizen as France is locking down once again under the lies of Covid health concerns . this will be the third time the authoritarian government of this and shit Emmanile Marcon has imprisoned his people ie they were Palestinians and this over -reaction is a concentrated attack by big government sand the likes of Marcon to wage economic  and physical war on western people.  Schools are  comes and movement restricted in order of the globalists and Macon is heeding the calls of the science" that actually is attempts to erode the freedoms and rights the French have protested and fought for centuries and install a foreign authoritarian government and measures and

Emmanuel  Marcon and the health fascists that just keep lying  of the necessity of Covid protocols run the risk of  French revolution against these restricted governments working to spread misery and imprisonment of people through global order. Thus son of a dog Emmanuel Marcon  also enforced a decree that people can not go further than sic miles in a psychotic method and attempt of movement and control ICO and emergency doctors that keep insisting restrictions and lock downs must be enforced because hospitals are filled and if hospital are fulled then perhaps they need to start building more but this is likely not the case The  evil french government f Emmanuel Marcon is making nu hospital stays and claims in order to prevent Yellow vests protests and the rights of citizens to stand up to government oppression of the likes of this election rigging undemocratic demon in power in France. 

Just in tine for Easter German and French leaders are locking down with the lie of a new deadlier variant of Covid and the Covid war against Europeans will never end and people are going to have to realize this and stand up and over throw their system that are waging this economic terrorism against them. The French and German governments are working against Christianity and likely doing o on pay of the Muslims as both mad dog Marcon and Angela Merkel are discouraging large family gatherings for Easter an threatening to shut down the churches  who do not comply with the psychotic calls of these governments. Macon is a committed globalist and on their orders and the day of reckoning for another closure for the 250,000 business is a attack on capitalism in France on order of the psychopaths in the environmental movement and crazies like Greta Thurnberg. Marcon is a puppet in addition to a mask double fascist and he takes his orders from the WHO and orders of the globalist health liars and power control freaks who don't want their beloved hospitals filled up or are just saying they are filling up in order to wage this economical warfare on the citizens f France,Germany, and other nations. 

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