Wendell Middleton talks of bar closures and Covid as another suburban Chiago bar Excuses closes in Des Plaines

   Baxter Lomax

   Wendell Middleton is the Miller High Life guy and talks beer and bars often on his podcast and he as one of the better cultural and entertainment ones out there on the internet. Wendell spoke how Covid and old trolls in health like Anthony Fauci are working for a new prohibition era as having waged a war on smokers the CDC ad health  fascists seek to destroy independent bar owners and their business to serve the interests of the 9 o'clock closing chains.

A longtime bar in Des Plaines , Illinois recently closed called Excuses and this will serve the interest of the liquor store owners and kebab places along with the usual dull boring sandwich chain shops that already dominate the landscape and want further space and land of the like that Excuses sat on for a long time. Jim Tingas was the owner of Excuses and evidently was pissed that he couldn't get in on the video gaming scams that are part of Illinois and other states and this may have played more of a reasoning in closing thatn having been shut down since last October.
 Tinsgas and other bar owners want on  on the wire money transferring abilities of slots. The new era of prohibition is going after bars and sit down places before they after the actual and lame ass liquor stores and the Miller High Life gu Wendell Middlebrooks noticed a steep decline on his delivery routes even before Covid and says there is  war against beer going on by the medical and hand sanitizer field wanting more health scare and hand washing products to be made and les of those to drink and sink ones but onto a seat for a while.

The global banking system wants massive chains and sameness all around a didn't like the bars being able to provide entertainment in pool tables and cheap eats and are trying to do whatever they can to destroy small bar business and nightclubs. 

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