Nikos and Mistakos wondering what the fuck is going on and how is Elon Musk allowed to profit form exploding fake space ships

Joe Jupiter

   Thee great Gaming dual of Nikos and Mistakos in the suburbs  near  Athens Greece are just the latest ot be puzzled and wondering   how the fuck Musk is some revolutionary thinker and entrepreneur as all the man and his Space X program do is explode rockets and essentially profits form it. Elon Musk is amazing that he has scammed the system and is a billionaire from essentially and remarkable  reenacting the  Challenger disaster and how much longer this con fucker can continue to get away with what we  and the Left shark

puppet long ago reported  the man and his space company is a charlatan scammer just exploding his prototypes because he knows dam well his prototype space ship cannot get into space and stay there for a long time  yet long  it ever reaching the Red planet of Mars Elon Musk

 and talk of his ugly dildo looking space ship actually bringing mankind into a new era of space travel and lifestyle is complete horseshit and science fiction in the same boat and spaceshit as Star Trek and Lost in pace. Mr mus does nothig but rush cheaply constructed space ships that are hardly the real deal and resemble and look more like trailer park homes than what one would expect something to take man to the next level and onto the surface of Mars helping explode the Martian tourism that Elon feels will be available soon for the billionaire class such as himself. Musk is no visionary nut a scam artist unseen inhuman history and  a true bullshit technocrat man of dreams of impossible and unlikely outcomes that he will never see nor 67 generations of Musks after him. It is safe to say that Elon Musk the 67th will still be on Earth and not on Mother Mars.

Nikos told people don't be fooled by the shit that Elon Musk says and does as he is just pretending he is researching  for a Mars mission and just exploding his badly constructed space sips pretending his own incompetency actually s some research strategy.

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