Anti-Pet association scores victory by forcing Chicago Fire departments not to have dogs anymore

    Patrick Jennings

Animal Stories

A victor was completed as for years we have been trying to end the practice of Chicago,  Indianapolis, and Milwaukee bad habit of keeping of dogs they claim they find and rehabilitate which is complete horseshit. A person had their dog and their  kid  recently attacked by one of these firehouses guard dogs and this prompted the city of Chicago to finally force these firehouses and the nepotistic  values and leadership of fire department to end the practice of having huge and scary dogs in addition to Dalmatians often in their firehouses and as the head of the Anti -Pet Association this is a proper first step to eradicating the bad nasty  habit of imprisoning and habituating denying animals freedom under the guise and money of the pet industry. 

 We must ensure that these Chicago firehouses abide by these new regulations and many a firemen were grumbling thinking that their main goal from tax payer funding occupation is to have fun and live like their home instead of battling fires and they would prefer to play with dogs all day instead of constantly training to improve their fire fighting abilities. The Chicago fire department is not in the pet trade nor should be some dog rehabilitation business and after one of their crazed saved dogs butchered and ate a neighbors pooch is was game over kaput for these firemen and their dogs. Chicago Foremen while on duty in the firehouse need to have only one thought and goal and this is to save lives human ones connected to fires and not be the dog  rehabiltators and new guardians. 
 We here at the Anti-pet association will continue the lengthy and often uphill fight against the pet culture and trade and we are always taking donations that can be sent through the link on the side post of this blog if you are interested. The demonic capturing and holding of animals I cannot emphasize more is evil and should not be done as all living things an Gods creatures deserve freedom and move about and people need to do as seen in Greece and Turkey where dogs and cats are just set loose and roam about without having to be trained to answer the calls of talking apes. In addition in these times of Covid the keeping of pets and possible animal transmissions and abilities of new virus to be created and easily replicated and spread about also poses a danger to the health of the community as much as a save Pit bull set loose in a child care center.


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