Bill Waterson and his Calvin and Hobbes strip canceled by cancel culture thanks by the likes of Pod Save America

   Arnold Buckley

    Extreme leftists seek to cancel many and their culture and part of this campaign  is lead by gillie men such as Pod Save America which is an extreme left-wing fanatical hosts that make u the dream zero team at Pod save America . Artists and entertainers are being canceled left and right and just the other day is appears that the progressives have successfully removed Bil Waterson's Calvin and Hobbes comic strip which is an extremely popular comic strip and has been running for a long  time in newspapers under syndication and was one of the most beloved and popular comic strips and this is likely why it suddenly came under the radar from these cancel culture libards like the crew at Pod save America. 

The destructive leftist of Crooked media of Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Tommy Vietor and Dan Pfeifer are extreme media Marxists who have called and harassed their political opponents  and now it appears they went after Bill Waterson's comic strip as the four described it as a bastion of white privileged with a distorted arrogance and bad attitude against people of color  that these four says is evident throughout the history f this comic strip.

The  cancel culture has took one of America most reassured items and iconic  comic strips as Bill Waterson's product was syndicated in one of 2400 newspapers and now because of the cancel culture there will no longer be this comic strip featuring a boy and his pet stuffed doll tiger than comes to life only to himself and not to others. The Pod Save America crew hate everything that is non-political and doesn't have the slant of opinion they demand and seek for this country as the god urban pro-foreigner trolls that these four pieces of shit serve their overseas funders  and backers. As I watch these four stooges I am amazed and don' know which of the four is the bigger jagoff and it changes per viewing an all four of them suck ass and likely do one anothers ass throughout the week changing the tops and bottoms in the bedroom 
 These four also are bring in addition to being bad and bias partisan shits and their recent call for the canceling of Calvin and Hobbes comic and the outstanding comic artist is more typical progressive liberal nonsense and Bill Waterson needs to man up and stand up to these pricks trying to cancel his hugely popular comic strip perhaps the best since Marmaduke. Bill Waterson's Calvin and Hobbes is just the latest cultural victim of this cultural revolution form the psychos in society lie these four former Obama staff members and wealthy elites who disdain certain cultural favorites and these fools likely hate the idea of comic strips and following of them by the public, 

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