Black Muslim and Black Supremacist Noah Green attacks the captla and leftiest shills like NATO Green and Chris Cuomo will say nad

   Rusty Stone

    A psychopath Black supremacist with residency and voting ability in two states rammed his car into the capital building and attacked police wit a knife killing one in an ISIS international type attack o American soil and thus far the rotten corporate Black ass kissing media is attempting to cover up this act of domestic terrorism against the police. If this had bee a White Trump supporter the networks such as  ABC, CNN, and NBMCN would be covering it 24 7 and would regulate and devout all of its time to analyzing  the background and casting a spell of guilt on all White republicans.

The murder of this brave police man by a deranged Black supremacist is just the latest attack of a white policeman by armed an psychotic Black males and the real number show police are killed four times more often by armed black thugs than the other way around and Blue Lives Matter regardless of what the Marxist Black activists an the sick media make claims. Noah Green is a monster and likely  related to late night talk show scumbag and host Trevor Noah and o where will we hear about this act of Black international terrorism from the likes of Trevor Noah or NATO  Green as we do of the Asian spa shooter and this

double standard is more compete evidence of the racial  warfare and harassment on part of filthy Chinese owned and influenced media such as the Los Angles Times  and others. Bad comedian NATO green , who is a scumbag, and unfunny at propagandist Trevor Noah, both will glance and dismiss talk of this terrorist act as  it doesn't fit their narrative and they pick and choose which atrocity or attack  to make mention base on  the race of the killer and victims and because of this both are being called out as these two fuck tards are on this blog for their  dishonest and internal racism and prejudices when selecting news to report and expand upon. NATO  Green and Trevor Noah are jackasses and a half two lowly human beings not one percent of the life and soul of the policeman brutally murdered by a Black supremacist.

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