Pavel Felgenhauer predicts a war in Europe as Russia is on the verge of attacking Ukraine

Lonnie Yeager

   Proposed coming war with Russia is suggested by rockstar policy expert Pavel Felgenhaurer as Russian troops have amassed five thousand troops on the birder wit Ukraine and many people say we are at the closest to having war in Europe than anytime in history following the Second World War and the forces of Vladimir Putn are ready to annex some more Ukrainian land that once belonged to mother Russia and need to go back.  The Russian military is building up their forces along the border of Ukrainian rebel held territory and on the verge of a massive war and Russian warned that deep measures would be met if NATO an American forces tried to intervene in in this dispute/ .

The Russian military has tons of tanks and helicopters ready to rock N roll and there is little and for little for the American deeps state of the corrupt Joe Biden democrats can do in a dispute among nations miles and miles away. Pavel Felenhaur is rightfully worried as a European war is about to break out and the Americans are unprepared to handle and shouldn't handle as the conflicts between the former Soviet state sis something we do not need to be part of this region of the world. Russians are about to add more long lost lad back to Russia that were charted off by the Western imperialists and their drive to enlargen an create a Ukrainian buffer state and it is  hide time we stick our nose out of the business of the Russians and let them deal with their own border squabbles and risk increasing the chances of war.
 Pavek says we don't have a prayer against the ruskies and that people need to be prepared  that they will annex the entire Ukraine as easily and quickly as they did Crimea and there is not a thing Theft Biden is going to do about it as the American leadership and command is weaker as it has ever been perhaps a weaker form of government since the articles of federation and the years  where the US army was getting handed by redskins in the old Northwest. Russians are ready and have amassed tanks and fighter jets along the border of the land of  the cossacks and are moving fast to retake the lands that they have long since dominated since the days of the Czar. 

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