Chinese owner of the Los Angles Times Patrick Soon-Shiong wants you to accept transvestites playing with your girls in school sports

   Gastron  Giroux

    The media is owned by foreign bastard billionaires and one of the owners who use their purchasing power to sway society is a CCP China man named Patrick Doon-Shiong an he wants you to follow suit and accept transgenderism or else. The South African born globalist China man is a bamboozle artist on work for the New World Order and China and this man was given so much money and leeway along with other stop purchase the dying lying corporate media and newsprint and a recent editorial from this fuck paper is more reason I reckon so many people quit buying the garbage like the Los Angles Times that this Chinese bred billionaire owns. The unsigned editorial was likely written by this piece  shit Patrick Soon himself

telling people to accept the fact transgenderism is here and confused sick teens unsure of their gender identity and only want to take  a look down at their wee wee have a right to participate in the sports of their choosing and only a globalist shit wind ass with no loyalty to this country  lie this man would such forward such an agenda and has a platform to promote this sickness. Patrick Soon-Shithead is typical of the filth and corruption of massive money printing is able to do in their attempt to transform society and

misrepresent views in order to sway public opinion and the American corporate media such as this garbage Los Angles Times propaganda pravda is part of the problem and men like Soon-Shin should have their assets seized and be ass arrested for their nefarious attack on our culture. Again this man is not even a fucking American and how is this Chinese communist elite form South African allowed to have such power and in an owner position of a media empire albeit one that fewer and fewer real  people are actually paying any attention and paying money to read its propaganda. Soon-Shiong has a little shlong which is more comfortable beating on fake women and those attempting to impersonate one and this jackass and a half is just another globalist billionaire telling Americans and the people of the world that there is nothing wrong with transvestism and transgender and that any resistance to this madness needs to be attacked and deplored and Soon does this often stepping into the news room and telling the staff what they must write and express in his paper.

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