Media is all quiet on Indianapolis Black Supremacist that attacked Police in Portland with a firebomb

  Denny Watson

    A maniacal Black  man with an All-American name in Malik Muhammad was arrested recently in Indianapolis for his role last year in the October surprise  insurrection and the hundreds of o y the fanatical far-left radicals of ANTIFA and the black Muslim supremacists such as this monster belonged. Malik Muhammad went to Portland fro Indianapolis with a clear intention of left-wing domestic terrorism and unlike the January 6th protest and arrests that the media keeps reporting few inf any reports of the other thousands of arrests form radical leftist insurrection that caused this country some two billions dollar sin damage in property. The costs and destruction of the January 6th confrontation and rebellion against the theft of our election was paltry yet it is majorly overblown by a psychotic  media hell bet on giving their political slants and bias on the air.

 Malik Mohammed is a Black supremacist insane in the brain loco provocateur and it is great news they arrested this Black nationalist and supremacist. This turd was often seen in Indianapolis protests threatening an advocating to burn the downtown of Indianapolis because this Black man was Green in jealousy of how nice and cool  non-Black areas of Indiana's capital  looked and he lived n a ghettos trash heep with liquor stores and crack house son every corner. It is the filth lie Malik Muhammad that have come to Indianapolis the past three decades from Chicago and Gary, Indian and practically ruined what was once a all white and wonderland safe city.

Malik Muhammad was seen in Portland during the lefties insurrection in the fall and got close and hug policemen in the days before he created Molotov cocktail with the sole intention of recreating the haymarket Square riot in Chicago in 1888. Malik was cuffed an stuffed and will be given a heavy sentence for his  role in attempting  to kill police n the Portland uprising of 2020 and men like Muhammad should be seen for what they are as terrorists and gangsters wishing to create a Somalia-type civilization ad turn great American citis into mini-me Mogadishu's 

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